How to Connect to smu_guest-wifi


Instructions to connect to smu_guest-wifi.


  1.       From the following list of SSID’s select smu_guest‐wifi and click connect.

  2.       Once connected to this network it will automatically redirect to registration page.

  3.       If your session is expired and you already have username and password that you received via text message,                                            then accept the terms and conditions after reading it and click Sign in to reconnect.

  4. If you are connecting for first time click accept terms and conditions and click register and follow the instructions.





  5.        Once you click register it will take you to next page where you have to enter phone number to receive code, username and password.

  6. After registering with working phone number you will receive the verification code

    image image



  7.      Enter the verification code you received on registered phone number and click on Verify, you will receive another message with username and password.

  8.      Now you are connected to SMU’s guest network.

  9.      You will be automatically redirect to page.




Article ID: 10578
Fri 10/14/22 2:39 PM
Tue 8/29/23 11:13 AM