How to Start a Quiz with Respondus Lockdown Browser


This article clarifies two ways quizzes are done with Canvas and Respondus Lockdown Browser: Classic Quiz and New Quiz.


Respondus Lockdown Browser Quizzes in Canvas

There are two ways to get into Respondus LDB.  This is not a setting that can be adjusted by faculty. The quizzes use one of two quiz engines in Canvas, Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes:

  • Classic Quiz:  From within Respondus Lockdown Browser directly.

  • New Quiz: From a regular browser, clicking to start the quiz, which will trigger Respondus Lockdown Browser to open.

If unsure, start in a regular browser. See below for more information on each. Please note the Troubleshooting section below.

Classic Quiz

When you access a quiz or exam created as a Classic Quiz, the displayed settings will let you know that Lockdown Browser is required.


**NOTE** If a student is taking this on campus computers(mobile cart laptops, DRC stations or computer lab computers) it is ALREADY installed and there is an icon on the desktop.  They must use that.

On personal devices:  To download Respondus Lockdown Browser, click Take the Quiz. And you will see the following:


For Canvas Classic Quizzes, you will first launch Respondus Lockdown Browser, navigate to your course, then click Take the Quiz.

New Quiz

When you access a quiz or exam created as a New Quiz, you’ll start in a regular browser (chrome, firefox preferred).
Canvas will open a new browser tab or window and prompt you to download Respondus Lockdown Browser.


Download and install Respondus Lockdown Browser.
Return to your Canvas course in regular browser and launch your quiz or exam again.
A new tab will open and you will be prompted to open Lockdown Browser:

Open Lockdown Browser pop-up

Click Open LockDown Browser. Your quiz or exam will launch directly.


Problem: It states wrong or old version of Respondus Lockdown Browser.

Solution 1: Follow the instructions in the New Quiz section above. If that doesn't resolve your issue then proceed to solution 2 below.

Solution 2: Click on this link to Uninstall Respondus LDB. Then click on this link to Install Respondus LDB.

Solution 3:  Restart your computer and do not open anything before you use the correct method to access your quiz.









Article ID: 10977
Tue 11/8/22 12:32 PM
Wed 11/15/23 11:20 AM