FAQ: Session Limits and Available RDS Licensing


Q:  Are there session time limits on Remote Desktop services?

A:  Yes.  The Policy is shown below

What this Means:

If a session is broken - i.e. you lose your network connection and do not reconnect for over 1 hour, the session will be terminated.

If you have an active session that exceeds 8 hours, it will be terminated.  We do not allow VPN connections in excess of a business day so a session would be disconnected via vpn regardless.  A similar policy already exists for virtual destops.

If you leave a session idle for over 2 hours, it will be terminated.


Q: Why do we have Session Limits in Remote Desktop services?

A:  A couple of reasons - Idle and disconnected sessions can impact server resources while providing no benefit and should be limited.  Also, we have a limited number or RDS licenses available.  We must use session limits to ensure concurrent user licenses are available when needed and are not occupied by idle or disconnected sessions.



Article ID: 21218
Fri 8/30/24 5:26 PM
Fri 8/30/24 7:38 PM