FAQ: Feature Parity - Remote Desktop Web vs. Traditional Applications

Q:  The application looks the same when I launch it with RD Web access?  Doesn't everything work the same then?

A:  For the most part this is true.  However, since what is being provided is the application running remotely and not direct access to the operating system.

      Some issues can occur when the application invokes another application that is expected to be on the client machine running the app. 

            Examples of these would be an email client, or a web browser.

       Why this might be an issue - Remote Desktop Web Services is providing direct access to the application - running on the server, not a virtual desktop session that includes direct access as 

        the user who is running the application.  Therefore, it cannot open new processes in new windows to execute the processes needed since they are external to the application.

Q:  Are there some known features in hosted applications that meet these criteria?

A:  Yes.  At this time these known are listed below:

1. PFaids Integration in PowerCampus.  The PowerCampus client application invokes a web call to another server via a web browser.

    Users should make use of the thick client on an SMU issued PC or within VDI to use this feature.


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Article ID: 21219
Fri 8/30/24 2:42 PM
Fri 8/30/24 4:38 PM