How to Get Chat Help with Respondus Lockdown with Webcam

Live Chat Help for Respondus Monitor (webcam proctoring)
(Source: )

Live chat help is available within LockDown Browser when using the webcam proctoring feature (also called Respondus Monitor).
Chat agents can assist you with pre-exam issues related to the webcam and microphone. Live chat is accessible from several places in LockDown Browser:

1. Within the the pre-exam steps. When working through the pre-exam steps for using a webcam with LockDown Browser, select "It's not working" at any time to access live chat.

Graphical user interface, application, website

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1. Within Help Center. Select the "Need More help?" button.

Graphical user interface, text, application

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Both options will walk you through a troubleshooter before beginning a chat with an agent.