PowerCampus - Is it crashing on you?

If PowerCampus is closing or crashing without an obvious cause, it may be because Grammarly is installed. Grammarly seems to interfere with PowerCampus. Please reach out to Service Desk to assist with uninstalling of Grammarly, or uninstall yourself if not needing assistance or admin credentials to do so.  If needing Grammarly in order to work, alternative is to use VDI desktop to access PowerCampus.  See your mySMU catalogue for the Faculty/Staff W10 icon. 

(reference article but applies to Windows 10 as well: https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/powerbuilder-2019r3-2021-application-terminates-in-oleacc-dll-for-some-users-on-windows-11)