Information related to account management such as password reset instructions, updating employee online directory info, etc.

Articles (14)

How long do Alumni have access to SMU resources?

Alumni will have access to their SMU account for one year after graduation. This will go into effect starting Monday June 5th, 2023.

How to update your Address, Phone Number and/or Emergency Contacts in SMURF

Updating your Address, Phone Number and/or Emergency Contact.

Identity Verification for Account Management, Access and Password Resets

Identity Verification for Account Management, Access and Password Resets

MFA Authenticator(s) Reset

MFA Authenticator(s) reset

Okta or Microsoft account getting locked out?

Possible causes of locked out account in Okta. (ie., you may see "Unable to sign in" message).

Self Service Password Reset

Self Service Password Reset

Student Payments and/or Tax Form Request

Students who need to make a payment (i.e. tuition balance due) to the Bursar's (Student Accounts) or Financial Aid Office can follow these methods.

Student Services Support

This is how to get support for student accounts related issues or questions that fall under the Admissions, Finanical Aid and Enrollment and Student Services Department.

When Do New Students Receive Their SMU Login?

New Student SMU Login (username and password)